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2021-09-02 at 09:00

Event 2: Workforce Development Needs for Global Expansion

Workforce Development Needs for Global Expansion:  (9:00 AM (CDT)

Business & Industry leaders throughout the nation are calling it a “workforce crisis.” In numerous surveys, U.S. companies are citing the inability to attract and retain workers as their most pressing concern. We will take a look at some of the most recent data and bring to light solutions that can be applied to meet your entry level and skilled labor needs.

Moderator Facilitator: Alma Acevedo, President, Global Tooling Specialties, Inc.


  • Sylvia O. Praesel, Founder and Strategist, Coalition for Apprenticeship Partners in Economic Development.
  • Rebecca Winkel, Senior Economic Analyst, American Petroleum Institute.
  • Kellylynn McLaughlin, Over the Road Driver and Trainer, Schneider National and Driver Ambassador, Women in Trucking Association